Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Venison Tenderloin and Chipotle Yam Puree

We need more snow days if this keeps appearing on the stove.
     Alrighty...  19" of snow, no way to leave the house, and a strong hankering to eat(go figure...) drew our eyes to the freezer.  Considering I would be working on V-Day and She was wanting some good company, we got to checking out the pantry - we needed to find some goodies for some recently harvested backstrap o' deer - thanks I-Dad!
     Pretty straightforward dish this time around.  For the sweet potato puree we baked two taters at 400 for 90 minutes.  Meanwhile, She brought 1/2 c. of milk to a simmer with some brown sugar, chipotle puree, and -my favorite- rendered pancetta fat!  Holy lord that puree was awesome - and all the work of She.

Cab Demi Sauce and Bambi in the background.
     As for the venison loin, I simply crusted it with a blend of freshly ground coffee beans, cumin, and a skoch of brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt.  From there, I just put put a quick sear on that while whipping up a simple Cab Demi Sauce with a little rosemary, balsamic, and garlic - just enough to round out the sauce.

     Oh yeah, and then there was the Pantry Upside-Down Cake - ahhh yes!

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