Monday, December 13, 2010

Rabbit Stew is a Brewing...

Rabbit Stew with Rosemary Polenta Cakes

So sometimes she cooks too….with mucho help from him of course. He kinda guides her along but lets her drive at the same time, and last nite was one of these times. The kitchen was filled with the smells of rabbit stew. An homage to her Nonna and rustic Italian cooking (she can recall stories told by her mother of her PaPaw going out in the yard and shooting a rabbit for dinner) they decided to give it a whirl.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Caramelized Onion Dip

One hot, gooey mess for mankind...

   So I was at the local grocer today, wandering about the produce section, when I came upon the onions.  Now QVC isn't my thing, but if you throw me into the produce section with some deals, I become more impulsive than a kid in a candy store.  Last week I left with 20 lbs. of sweet potatoes after spotting they were 10¢ per pound - I could have left with a cart-full if it wouldn't offer She credit to my delusions.  Needless to say, yesterday I spotted yellow onions for 29¢ a pound - seemed like enough reason to tote out a couple armfuls!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Red Meat Redux

Pushed the ugly sweet potato into the background...

So yeah, She and I never eat red meat...  never...
She decided otherwise earlier today during brunch - during her not-so-hot salmon benny.  Simply put, She and I had ourselves a nice Strip au Poivre with some goodies in a sherry cream sauce.  With a truckload of sweet potatoes on hand, we also had a couple of sweet bakers with mascarpone when a little twist popped up.  One of our sweet potatoes stood out like a red-headed stepchild - I just wish the Big Box could've slipped us a purple varietal instead of stripping me of my beta carotene...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

'Bring Extra Napkins' Burger

Holy Crapola!
Earlier  today, She and I went out to get a burger - something we eat perhaps twice a year.  Well, to get to the point, the burger was absolutely disappointing and secured our 'no beef' trend...
...That is, until I decided I wasn't going to bed disappointed...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ultimate T-Day: T-5 hours

So we've had this ham in the fridge for the past week...
Actually, if we back it up 7 days, I don't exactly know if I could appropriately describe the range of emotions She and I exhibited over the course of a couple hours
  1. 15 lb. ham - a decent chunk of Wilbur
  2. Brine - 5% salt sol'n with some brown sugar and sodium nitrite
  3. 1 ginormous stock pot...
That's not that big of a deal, nor was deciding at the last minute that 15 lbs. was appropriate for 6-8 people.  I'm pretty sure it was the moment I pointed out that the fridge would have to be dismantled to store the turkey substitute.  Anyways, it's off into the smoker for the day - a skoch of applewood since I couldn't find any cherry.  Oh yeah, the day before prep is definitely easier than the madhouse that ensues the day of THE BEST THANKSGIVING EVER!

Monday, November 22, 2010

So Here It Is...

We very much have been wanting to start this darn thing for quite a while now. Well we finally kicked our butts in gear and here it is...the beginnings of it anyways! So as the title suggests cooking in this household is a one-man show. Although I ("She") do enjoy my time in the kitchen with him doing whatever is necessary to help out. I guess "she" is kinda the sous chef so to speak. But lets not stray from the important part of this duo-he ("I") can make one hell of a meal from just about anything...except maybe crappy canned crabmeat but we shall save that story for another time! We started this blog just in time for the BEST THANKSGIVING EVER! We are hosting for the first time and depending on how it goes perhaps for the last time...yeah right....probably the start of an annual tradition! Anywho I suppose he will want to thoroughly explain the menu and the star of the show...the protein. Oooh yummers...cannot wait!